Monday, January 13, 2014

Idaho or BUST!

"Life is a journey, not a destination.." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

We left at dawn, the motorhome filled with my every possession and my sister following in my car behind.
Exactly 111 miles later, in the middle of a heat wave, we busted. The temperature gauge hit high, and smoked piled out of grill... we were officially broken down on the side of the 5 freeway in Bakersfield. We quickly threw the animals in the car and sent my sister to an air conditioned hotel... my mom and I waiting in the growing heat with cars speeding by and trucks shaking us on the edge. We kept jokes, and sarcasm as our morale generator. As our tow man pulled up, we were grateful to get out of the way of danger and relief from the intense heat.

Because it was a Sunday before a Holiday, the many calls made to get what we needed fixed all were dead ends for the foreseeable next two days.
When we realized we weren't going to be able to drive anywhere, we decided to make the most of it... "vacation in bakersfield during a heat wave" was the only mentality where we didn't all get angry or start crying out of pure frustration.

And then it happened, one of those beautiful moments where everything becomes an opportunity and there is light. Sean, the man towing us offered to fix the cooling system, in the parking lot of our hotel in the coming days.... salvation!

The next morning I woke up to find that I had been robbed. An old steamer trunk, filled with clothes, memories, every coat I own and my bicycle under a tarp had been jacked. It hit hard at first, more the idea of being invaded and that some people choose to do things like this. After a few moments of doing a mental itinerary and shedding a tear for those old vintage leather goods.... I couldn't allow myself to be too upset, things come and go.

Bakersfield was kicking my butt, stealing my things and ultimately giving me a feeling that the Universe wanted me to slow down, assess the situation, grow from the mounting "obstacles" or at least, find the lessons in the moments at hand. I consciously kept checking in with my state of being... everyone is alive, and we are on an adventure. Go with it, no resistance. 

The Universe then responded with my best friend, who was passing through Bakersfield later that day, and whom I hadn't had a proper goodbye. His similar hobo lifestyle allowed for him to take a few days, not even go home to LA to unpack after Burning Man - and drive with me to Idaho. Things were starting to look better.

Later that day, I got a lesson in rebuilding the cooling system for an old Chevy chassis. Sean, my trusty tow man who had a love of classic cars, and chevy engines, was an extraordinary person to come into my life at that exact moment in time. We spent 10 hours redoing a complete cooling system, and I eagerly paid attention to every moment. If I was going to commit to owning this motorhome, I was going to learn everything I can on how to fix it.


After two nights of our original departure date, oil covered hands, lack of sleep, one more passenger, and a lighter load....... we headed North.The motorhome sounded strong, and stayed perfectly cool as we made it through Nevada and up towards Oregon.

Open plains surrounded by green mountains, the setting Sun, pinks, oranges and weather clouds.
It was surreal silence filled with untouched perfect nature... and a long road ahead.

SNAP, the fan belt.
At first, it wasn't so bad. Knowing what I now know about cooling systems I laid on the Oregon Highway under my rig and removed the rest of the belt, and also noticed my radiator hose snapped from the pressure releasing all of the fluids.

As we waited for the new belt and fluids to arrive, we opened the back blinds, allowed for the perfect orange and pink sun to fill the RV, and had some wine. This is called, "making the most of it." It was a peaceful moment I will remember forever... especially because not more then one moment after I gave gratitude in recognizing such peace the wind picked up, and clouds turned grey... the wind was so strong, you couldn't stand outside without holding on to something. The motorhome was parked on the edge of a 6 foot grade down to the meadows that surrounded.

Right then there was a real, flash fear of something incredibly bad happening and my dog and cat rolling in a fiberglass box. As I try to brace a 7000 pound motorhome on a tiny ledge in the middle of nowhere... Kelley, the mechanic showed and laughed as he approached .. "Honey if that thing is going to flip, you aren't going to stop it".
I surrendered. I had a quick talk with the Universe and said " Whatever happens ...happens, bless us and keep us safe!'' I moved inside and watched the wind and rain blow through the Valley in which we were parked. A few moments later, the winds died down, the belt was secured, our fluids were filled and we were off.

Four undisturbed hours of driving through lush farmland later... and we pulled into my new town.

Of the many things I had experienced on the move, I am proud of and grateful for all of it. We can't change things as they happen, but we can change our perspective to not allow the circumstances of our lives to control the state of being of our lives. 
I experienced the loss of material wealth, the gaining of knowledge in many aspects, the opportunity to use patience, and positivity... and most importantly, the signs of life - in the people and the little moments that are put there for you to make it through. Big shot of love and gratitude for my family, Andre, Sean the tow man, Kelley the mechanic and my motorhome, Norma Jean.

Idaho or bust?!?! No, Idaho after bust... but I got there :)

Go Love Yourself

Were going to start with the most important element to life, happiness and longevity –LOVE.
Love has turned into an emotional gift you give others, something you may often find yourself questioning because it doesn’t feel like what we have heard “love” to be. There are expectations attached to the word Love, but the moment we realize self love is the key to dropping any unwanted life stress – true love becomes an integral part of your everyday life.
We can’t truly love anyone or anything else, until we are fully committed to loving ourselves. You are the most important being in your life, you have the ability to create the reality you desire and enjoy the beautiful moments we are here to experience. It is up to you to choose your bad days, or label them as such just the same as it is your choice to not let things affect your happiness.  Knowing in those hard moments that everything is ultimately OK and that this too shall pass, is what loving and trusting yourself means.

You are a perfect, beautiful and special being and the justification for those words comes from your existence on this planet. Believe it or not, we were not created to grow up, do bad things, make bad decisions, have pain, get a boring job, have kids, an unhappy marriage and retire. We are here to have the human experience; we were all given the most intelligent immune system, minds, bodies and souls to thrive in all capacities. Our natural state of being is to be connected to the earth, and everything and everyone on it. The golden rules apply to become the best version of ourselves and flourish as individuals.
Allow yourself to appreciate every aspect of YOU – get in touch with the inner child, and your heart chakra. Know that you are always protected and always supported in any dreams and goals one has. Start appreciating yourself.  Being in tune with your heart will allow for the most amazing journeys as you allow yourself to drop negative thinking patterns. Start taking responsibility for everything that happens inward and outwards and you will eliminate fears and judgment of yourself and others.
Try loving yourself a little more today. Give yourself some credit in the moments you feel lacking, do the things that excite you and be aware of your excitement ~ smile in the mirror and laugh with your dearest friends. When a circumstance arises that you don’t prefer, say what you would prefer from that moment, learn from yourself and choose a lighter approach to your already perfect state of being.
You are the keys to your kingdom and love is all there is.

original article by Jacq Crawford -

Friday, January 20, 2012

The BEST notes from the Universe...

The top 10 things dead people want to tell living people are:1. They're not dead.2. They're sorry for any pain they caused.3. There's no such thing as a devil or hell.4. They were ready to go when they went.5. You're not ready.6. They finally understand what they were missing.7. Nothing can prepare you for the beauty of the moment you arrive.8. Don't try to understand this now, but life is exceedingly fair.9. Your pets are as crazy, brilliant and loving, here, as they were there.10. Life really is all about love, but not just loving those who love you...
In their own words, The Universe

There's not one person on Earth who's there for the same reason as you...Finding and celebrating YOU. Whoop, The Universe

I still don't get why people are so surprised that the turtle beat the rabbit over the long run. Consistent effort, no matter how small, sparks magic, fills sails, butters bread, turns tides, instills faith, summons friends, improves health, burns calories, creates abundance, yields clarity, builds courage, spins planets, and rewrites destinies. No matter how small, The Universe

Next time you feel fear, either right after a major decision or just before one, it usually means you're exactly where you need to be. Nice, The Universe

Shape shifting is real, truth shifting is not. Always shoot straight, no matter your truth. The Universe

A Life Coaching Tip from The Universe: The time will come, and it will be sooner rather than later, when your greatest admirers and protégés will look at your life - your achievements, possessions (especially your faith in my spiritual mission), and passions - frown a little and sullenly say, "Yeah, but for you... it was easy." At which point you should conceal any yearning you may possess to either object or laugh hysterically. Instead, lovingly look them square in the eye and say, "Yes, and it can be easy for you, too." Get used to it, The Universe

Thank you Universe.

You're Killing Me...

Ohh, the first post of 2012 and we are jumping right in. This is the year we will change everything. We will fight for our freedoms, liberties and the opportunity to live the life we were meant to live... a love filled, healthy and happy life.
Until the Gov't, the FDA, Big Pharma, etc stops this ridiculous "slow kill" ... I wanted to start writing about some things we can do for ourselves to improve our health, cognitive abilities, and ultimately consciousness - GET OUT of the mainstream ways of life and we have a real opportunity to collectively change our experience on Earth.

YOUR FOOD: stop eating commercially produced food. As much as we love running through the drive-thru, the food we are getting is killing us. Chickens laced with arsenic, abused feeder animals, GMO's... its not good for us. The chemicals added to most all foods these days reconstruct our cells, change the DNA structure and ultimately result in sickness, obesity, disease, cancer, diabetes, etc down the line. The only thing we can do is NOT CONTRIBUTE to those companies (monstanto, etc). Find local farmers markets, or collectives that offer organic, local produce and meats. LOOK AT LABELS. Even if it says "natural" on the packaging, truly read the ingredients. Another great alternative is to start your own urban farm. Its late January and now is the time to start planning your garden, even in the smallest spaces with the right love, compost and plant choices you can produce your own vegetables that are healthy and FREE.
Stay away from high fructose corn syrup, avoid canola oil/soy as much as possible unless it is certified NON GMO... seriously a majority of the soy sold to us is genetically modified ... meaning its going to go in your system, and possibly modify your genes... that does not sound fun, or good for you.
DETOX and fill your body with superfoods: Juice! Get a juicer and make yourself a big healthy juice each day. My favorite juice:
2 carrots / 2 beets / 1 apple 1 small piece of fresh ginger/ half of a lemon and a few big branches of Kale. Juice the kale first so the rest of veggies wash all of the nutrients through.
Imagine said juice going in and scrubbing all of your cells clean. Juicing in many ways has proven to decrease risks of disease and even reverse them. Eat mineral and nutrient dense foods... beets, cherries, berries, avocados, dark greens, etc are some of the things that are considered superfoods... these pack a powerful punch and can immediately start helping your immune system and cell structure.

THE SUN: put that sunscreen down!!!! Unless you have all natural ways to protect your skin, mainstream sunscreens have chemicals and dyes that alter your skin cells, especially when in the sun...wait, what? Yes thats right, skin cancer has increased rapidly due to the exact thing that was created to "protect" you. PS... healthier skin is to have nothing on it, and play in the sun often - the sun offers crucial vitamins and gives us energy.

YOUR WATER: unfortunately our water supply is pretty gross - flouride, mercury and who knows what else is being given to us on the daily. I recently switched to reverse osmosis / alkaline water. This not only helps restore your bodies natural PH balance, but helps your skin, hair, and hydration. You can find local water stores that sells 5 gallon jugs for only $2.00 ... I mean come on, you are paying 2 bucks a pop for a bottle at the gas station, why not choose a better for you ( and your pocket ) alternative.

NO PARABENS: check your labels for your shampoos, body wash, lotions, deodorants... your skin absorbs everything and parabens are linked to breast cancer as well as other diseases. Chemicals shouldnt be put on your skin. Find products that are all natural, essential oils, etc. They do the same things and are better for your body.

Smile... a strong sense of self and a good attitude can also change many things in your nervous system. We have to love ourselves, love our brothers and be selfless... imagine if everyone could take of their blinders and live this way... it would be a beautiful life without profit being the main goal for anything. A good life is our goal.

Thats all for now, get healthy so we can collectively grow and be a community of people, not profits.


Friday, August 5, 2011

Talkin' bout a Revolution...

imagine for a moment that we could just stop. Take a deep breath, feel it through your heart and solar plexus... and imagine a World less like ours, and more like ours is meant to be.

We are controlled, but controlled no more. The true freedoms of life and liberty are ours for the taking, unfortunately the masses are too exhausted from working for the dollar (exactly where we are meant to be kept) almost like tunnel vision and reaching some sort of social status that is, in truth, impossible in these times.

The US Government tied deals down before our parents time when Corporate America and Communism would rule. Throughout the decades the torch has been passed down from Puppet to Puppet ... just following the lines of the Rich Corporations ideas and implimenting systems that only benefit those involved... keeping us in the dark from truths and birthrights that our Universally ours. Obama was blessed into office because he was the first one that stimulated the population to feel something different, a need for change. Unfortunately, his tactics were only to get to the position - and he too is willingly being misguided to make our decisions.

No wonder there is so much anger, haste, and negativity the effects this World - we are being shown a model for life through Mainstrem Media that is untouchable, and in truth, awful.

There are things that we can demand - we the people, by the people and for the people ... things that if in large enough numbers (the good news is "WE" have the numbers on our side) we could help influence the future of our Earth and our lives through betterment and informaton.

OUR FOOD: Unfortunately we are consuming nutrient deficient food for the most part in our lives. Other then the obvious fast food (I will always have love for Tbell, its a personal choice and im ok with it) that is made from all low quality low grade products we are actually spending our inflated dollars on items that are more harmful then good. Genetically engineered, chemically sprayed, toxic food. Our feeder animals arent safe; they are being fed corn to plump them up, making them as deficient and their deficient meat making it to our table. They are abused, kept in dirty, bacteria infested quarters, these bacteria are harmful and the droppings run off into our produce fields. From there our genetically altered and malnurished tomatoes are now exposed to things like ecoli - all before they are picked and within 3-5 days in our grocery stores. Check the labels, alot of products come from other Countries even, how fresh could it be? You know they arent practicing good health and growing natural, sustainable and organic foods. How is this ok? Its okay because the CORPORATIONS that produce these foods, as well as the chemicals used on them *that can kill you* are all sitting next to the President and in Congress. Hello!?!! Where are the "conflict of interest" laws in the Government?

Ugh. So what do we do?

Demand organic, local foods. Imagine in our new World that was all we would purchase, it is OUR money, we should be getting what we want. If everyone demanded it, the Government and all involved in the food business Monopoly would have to stop funding genetic testing, there would be an INSANE amount of jobs for farmers, or people who want to learn to farm as well as food that actually gives us real nourishment and vitamins. Demand local, organic and grass fed products ... this step alone will force those profiting from our dimise to change - because they are producing these crops, animals, poisions etc at such a high rate that they would have more of a loss then gain and thus would have to start listening. What they dont want us to know is if we were already eating and being given this as the standard (clean, healthy food... boy, you would think that is already a standard...) we would see far less disease, cancer, obesity, heart problems, diabetes, etc.

Why would they be forcing foods on us that will make us sick?


OUR HEALTH: How sick are we? SICK. The most sick behavior when looked at from a distance of our "tunnel vision" into our lives (yes, OUR lives). Healthcare is such an issue and has always been, why are we the only Country that doesnt give everyone free health care? Oh yea, because those in charge needs defining lines; rich, poor. Why else? Because they are profiting from it. Some of the biggest financial figureheads in our Congress are also the heads of companies making BILLIONS on healthcare, perscription drugs, forced surgeries. We have a system where parents are convinced they have to give their 5yr olds perscriptions - why?

Perscription drugs are bullshit,; enhancers of a disconnect to reality, a "chemical labotomy" if you will. Tests have shown there are so many harmful truths to these pills being passed out to "maintain"... maintain what? The government to maintain a collection of droids, of non thinkers that will easily continue down their path of distruction. There will never be a treatment for Cancer, why would they want to give up one of their biggest profit markets *see back to the food part, its all connected..they are practically digging a path for us to Cancer and sickness.*

Having babies is a business - I encourage every woman reading this and that you know to consider an alternative.. go to a birthing center or birth at home. I would definitely prefer the comforts of my own home to waddle around naked until my baby wanted to come (at its universal and chosen time) as opposed to some doctor forcing things into my arm, displacing me, introducing my baby to its first drug trip and them telling me when my baby is "ready." NO thank you. You leave with a huge bill, and the loss of the true bonding moment that happens when you give birth. .. some moms dont even hold their babies for days if it goes poorly, which has shown in studies you and your baby are less likely to have that familiar bond for life.. straight up... someone should be sued and have the medical field dismantled and reorganized with people that actually know how to "heal" ... not write on a piece of paper.
The "healthcare" in this country is a joke - they should be asking "what do you need to be healthy" not... "here is what you need to pay for to feel something different that isnt healthy or natural but atleast not what you feel now."
I would be happy to talk about alternative ways for dealing with anxiety, depression, aDD, etc... because I know there are some and maybe we can influence those we love to stop pumping their beautiful systems with shit that will, ultimately, kill them.

LETS TAKE A LITTLE MORE RESPONSIBILITY FOR OUR LIVES. We are the only ones that can make great decisions for ourselves.

I fear for our community, and by community I mean every living thing on this planet. We must unite, we must be heard if there is going to be any sort of change. I am so blessed to have this life, this vessel, this dream of a life less ordinary, but more then extraordinary. It is an easy dream, as it is just taking steps towards truth, and what we were really meant to do on this planet... love it. Love eachother.

Go love yourself.

Use that beautiful voice and the power of FREE SPEECH to tell others your thoughts..plant the seeds (literally).

Our Revolution is coming. The Economy is about to fall, soon the Government. Lets be on the right side of this and make sure we are heard, and the rebuild is that influenced and inspired by life...... not money.


Friday, March 18, 2011

2011 - the final wave

This year has already been one of extraordinary change, shift and clarity.
We are now into the final wave of consciousness... the collective. So many are breaking under this new energy as opposed to allowing the changes and integrating the resistance.
Change is the only constant, so to resist that is just a waste of your naturally god like and deserving energy...why give negativity any of your time?
There is no need for resistance, it is an old way of thinking.. "the man will always get you down," "the grass is always greener on the other side," "you always want what you can't have...". To that, I say I DONT THINK SO.
YOU are the man. YOU can have whatever you want or have ever imagined for yourself, YOUR grass can be so green it brings you to joyful tears... the only one allowing yourself to not think and live that way is YOU.
Perception is literally the key to the kingdom... and I am not saying that things will be falling down around you and you are "fa la la la everything is perfect". My point is once you start allowing yourself to love yourself, fully and without judgement you can move from that place. Your life will quickly become full of gratitude and joy, peace, honor and love. Things start appearing and changing in a never before felt or seen reality... its as if you finally unlocked what is deep within all of us and the Universe becomes ready to reward you for it.
There is always a choice in any situation, with the changes in the world as we know it we should all be reflecting inward... finding those old ways of feeling and thinking, the things that are literally keeping you tied down to Earth, and releasing them. The past is exactly where it is supposed to be, in the past. You are in a present moment, continually moving and creating your reality.
Now is a time of reflection, doing what you need to do, feeling the abundance and blessing in this life's every given moment and rise to your occasion. You are the only one out for the betterment of you... so be your biggest fan!

Take a walk today, a deep breath in. Look at the clouds and the sun in the sky and thank the Universe... its waiting for you to wake up to its power and thus... your power.


Monday, February 7, 2011

A message

I made this video for anyone, and everyone to watch. I would like to start a chain reaction, of reflection and expansion ... and from there, unity and love between everyone.