Thursday, September 30, 2010

Notes on Notes from the Universe...

Would you believe that here, in the unseen, just a breath away from "there," in time and space, we have gardens with such sweet fragrances they actually caress passersby? That we have melodies so rich you can actually see them dancing through the air? And colors so exquisite they tickle all of your senses?
That there are planets where everyone knows each other's names? Where flying comes naturally to all? And some have moons that hum lullabies each night?
Yet as spectacular as the infinite choices are, would you further believe that there's still quite a queue, several moonbeams long, to get back "there"? Where for every heart beating, there's a legend in the making.
You have no idea."NEXT!" The Universe

...Or do you?

Yes! I do. This was my note from the Universe this morning...
its interesting what starts to happen when you find yourself, and live your life with joy and love and respect for your brothers and sisters. When doubt, fear and hate are so clearly a choice in your life that they hold no meaning to you .. because you make your meaning! Reading this note you may think.. aliens? Another planet? Heaven?
No... maybe :) I believe that this life that I am living is a is everything. I exist, and in some form I always have and always will. This is me in this form, I chose Earth... we all did. Its like a challenge course almost, your spirit knowingly and willingly took on this human form, every part was created by you. The way you look, the way you feel, and it continues to do so.... everything, created by you. But in coming here and what we have created collectively makes it difficult to know what you know...somewhere deep inside, we all know it but few of us choose to live it.
It makes everything exciting, especially being on this side of it.
I like this note because it reminds me that everything is always great, and at the end of the day there is nothing to do but love and enjoy.

Different worlds in the sky...

There has been a very obvious shift in energy lately, its a bit stronger.... a bit more noticeable for those who still sleep.
Yesterday had one of the most incredible skies I have ever seen... each direction you looked there was a different sky for different worlds. There was a double rainbow over Hollywood, vivid and clear stretching right over our home.
The East: The Sky was perfect blue, with billowing purple clouds.
The South: The blue got lighter, there was a mixture of white, and yellow clouds covered with bright orange and pink sheets that texture looked like whipped cream...silky and flowing.
The West: The Sun was setting and in its last few moments it lit up the sky highlighting every cloud bank with the most beautiful colors I have ever seen. Oranges, yellows, pinks so bright and beautiful it took my breath away... it was in comparison to any of the most beautiful and noteworthy art I have ever seen. No, beyond that. Other worldly.
The North: The Sun couldn't reach the north, it tried...but there were dark purple and light grey clouds. A deep blue backdrop was the perfect setting for what happened in the north. Lightening, thunder answering back... with each crack of light the clouds would illuminate in the most fantastic way.

I stood in the street with my friend and new neighbor Hannah, we stood there, looking each direction. There were little words, more things were being felt then being said. We took in each direction with all of its uniqueness and were amazed that this was simultaneously happening above us. A show of light in many facets, a reminder of where our factory made beauty is inspired from, a Sun just wanting everyone to take a moment.
At the end, as the rain started to come and the Sun was gone the greys, purples and blues took over for the evening... as we walked in we both looked up into the truth filled sky and said "Thank You."