Friday, March 18, 2011

2011 - the final wave

This year has already been one of extraordinary change, shift and clarity.
We are now into the final wave of consciousness... the collective. So many are breaking under this new energy as opposed to allowing the changes and integrating the resistance.
Change is the only constant, so to resist that is just a waste of your naturally god like and deserving energy...why give negativity any of your time?
There is no need for resistance, it is an old way of thinking.. "the man will always get you down," "the grass is always greener on the other side," "you always want what you can't have...". To that, I say I DONT THINK SO.
YOU are the man. YOU can have whatever you want or have ever imagined for yourself, YOUR grass can be so green it brings you to joyful tears... the only one allowing yourself to not think and live that way is YOU.
Perception is literally the key to the kingdom... and I am not saying that things will be falling down around you and you are "fa la la la everything is perfect". My point is once you start allowing yourself to love yourself, fully and without judgement you can move from that place. Your life will quickly become full of gratitude and joy, peace, honor and love. Things start appearing and changing in a never before felt or seen reality... its as if you finally unlocked what is deep within all of us and the Universe becomes ready to reward you for it.
There is always a choice in any situation, with the changes in the world as we know it we should all be reflecting inward... finding those old ways of feeling and thinking, the things that are literally keeping you tied down to Earth, and releasing them. The past is exactly where it is supposed to be, in the past. You are in a present moment, continually moving and creating your reality.
Now is a time of reflection, doing what you need to do, feeling the abundance and blessing in this life's every given moment and rise to your occasion. You are the only one out for the betterment of you... so be your biggest fan!

Take a walk today, a deep breath in. Look at the clouds and the sun in the sky and thank the Universe... its waiting for you to wake up to its power and thus... your power.
