Thursday, September 30, 2010

Notes on Notes from the Universe...

Would you believe that here, in the unseen, just a breath away from "there," in time and space, we have gardens with such sweet fragrances they actually caress passersby? That we have melodies so rich you can actually see them dancing through the air? And colors so exquisite they tickle all of your senses?
That there are planets where everyone knows each other's names? Where flying comes naturally to all? And some have moons that hum lullabies each night?
Yet as spectacular as the infinite choices are, would you further believe that there's still quite a queue, several moonbeams long, to get back "there"? Where for every heart beating, there's a legend in the making.
You have no idea."NEXT!" The Universe

...Or do you?

Yes! I do. This was my note from the Universe this morning...
its interesting what starts to happen when you find yourself, and live your life with joy and love and respect for your brothers and sisters. When doubt, fear and hate are so clearly a choice in your life that they hold no meaning to you .. because you make your meaning! Reading this note you may think.. aliens? Another planet? Heaven?
No... maybe :) I believe that this life that I am living is a is everything. I exist, and in some form I always have and always will. This is me in this form, I chose Earth... we all did. Its like a challenge course almost, your spirit knowingly and willingly took on this human form, every part was created by you. The way you look, the way you feel, and it continues to do so.... everything, created by you. But in coming here and what we have created collectively makes it difficult to know what you know...somewhere deep inside, we all know it but few of us choose to live it.
It makes everything exciting, especially being on this side of it.
I like this note because it reminds me that everything is always great, and at the end of the day there is nothing to do but love and enjoy.

Different worlds in the sky...

There has been a very obvious shift in energy lately, its a bit stronger.... a bit more noticeable for those who still sleep.
Yesterday had one of the most incredible skies I have ever seen... each direction you looked there was a different sky for different worlds. There was a double rainbow over Hollywood, vivid and clear stretching right over our home.
The East: The Sky was perfect blue, with billowing purple clouds.
The South: The blue got lighter, there was a mixture of white, and yellow clouds covered with bright orange and pink sheets that texture looked like whipped cream...silky and flowing.
The West: The Sun was setting and in its last few moments it lit up the sky highlighting every cloud bank with the most beautiful colors I have ever seen. Oranges, yellows, pinks so bright and beautiful it took my breath away... it was in comparison to any of the most beautiful and noteworthy art I have ever seen. No, beyond that. Other worldly.
The North: The Sun couldn't reach the north, it tried...but there were dark purple and light grey clouds. A deep blue backdrop was the perfect setting for what happened in the north. Lightening, thunder answering back... with each crack of light the clouds would illuminate in the most fantastic way.

I stood in the street with my friend and new neighbor Hannah, we stood there, looking each direction. There were little words, more things were being felt then being said. We took in each direction with all of its uniqueness and were amazed that this was simultaneously happening above us. A show of light in many facets, a reminder of where our factory made beauty is inspired from, a Sun just wanting everyone to take a moment.
At the end, as the rain started to come and the Sun was gone the greys, purples and blues took over for the evening... as we walked in we both looked up into the truth filled sky and said "Thank You."

Saturday, July 17, 2010

openess opens doors

There is one Creator... but what we have forgotten is that we are Co Creators. We have and continue to create this world we live in, moment by moment. There is no "in the future..."; because that exists on the basis of what we do now, now, now ... now. We are all a part of the same Universe, the Matter in this physical form acting and reacting to our own personal vibrations, drawing in those with similar vibrations, moving us forward to what ultimately will be the key to Eternity. Tap into your greater being that is within you and every human being on this planet. We should collectively be living with Godly intentions, not fear based structures and self inflicted "locking of the doors" to speak.
Lay down the arms and try to feel it in every moment, base your actions and movement in the present with love and listen to that inner guidance... it will quickly become clear of your, my, our reason for existence, and you will feel the subliminal joy intended for us, our birthright - our soulright. The time is near. Unlock your door, the more the merrier!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Joon Fotoschute

Yesterday was a day of inspiration; beauty, the sun, the earth.
I decided to create - the perfect energy and sun made it impossible not to do so outside.
Kate and I decided to go for a walk in Griffith Park. To capture the magic of this blonde enjoying the earthly delights of nature on a beautiful June day. It has been a while since I have consciously and actively approached a photoshoot, but my visions had to be put to the test.
Here are some of the photos.
This is how I saw Kate, this beauitful earth angel in a fairy tale - full of emotion and ready to share a story.
ps. I love my life.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Boom. Love.

Four months ago

It started out like any other morning leaving for work when I lived in the hood. Driving, smoke in hand, loud music, sun shining....
I had a few routes that I took depending on how badly LA traffic wanted to kick my ass. I took Fountain, one of my most trusted routes for a quick commute. The street and sights were familiar, the curves in the road and the people on their morning walks. I past the bend in the road that told me I was close to my destination. On this particular morning, after the bend in the road I saw a young man unloading his Jeep Grand Cherokee in the lot of a small and cool building I always took note of. He was beautiful, radiant. Immediately I thought "pull over, yell out the window, do something..." instead I continued to work and made the note to pay attention and when my day took me that way again, to be aware in case he was thrown in my path again.

Last week

My girlfriend Hannah who also works for me met this great guy, he came into the Waff and they immediately connected due to her open and eager spirit overhearing him and his guy friends conversation about universal truths and love. They chatted and exchanged info... and hit it off. After meeting his friends, Hannah came to me and said "he has a friend I think you would really like." A personal note, I have been on a couple not so great dates ... its impossible to connect with someone once you've had this sort of enlightenment if they have not done the same. Its like a cement wall - you just wont get through.
I decided to use the internet as my spy and did a little checking out of this soon to be "set up." Immediately I noticed we shared something huge... we both let love be the groundwork for everything, big or small that was in our lives. Yes. Yes. Yes.

When we met, it was as if we were meeting again, or...not meeting...but that we had been looking for something that was just found. Hit over the head, love consumed every part of me.

The next night, Hannah and I were walking to their house for his birthday dinner... we got some goodies and walked up to the building. As we walked to his street we turned the corner and followed the bend in the road. Hannah said, "that's their building..." I looked up and stopped.
Without knowing it, we were on Fountain, standing in front of this very familiar building.
I burst out into laughter, looking at the stars and joyfully acknowledging the gift that was just given.

Since last week I don't think one second has gone by that he hasn't been on my mind... truthfully, he has been on my mind for years. I have been sending him energy and messages that were delivered as promised by that which guides me, and gives me undeniable strength. It was him I saw; his building, his parking spot, his Jeep...

Nothing is by chance. Nothing is coincidence. This is something that once you know, is continually shown to you with each day you embrace. Proven time and time again by way of the Universe and energy.

"The words have been lost through time and ignorance but we will find them and give them life...for this feeling over love...sublime bliss I feel with and for you."

Embrace today, and always love.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Candy Stripper Bromance

It was one of those afternoons with my new best boyfriends that I knew had the potential of getting completely out of control. It started on a patio with a bbq, and an amazing view. As the day turned to night, everyone agreed that it was definitely going to be taken to a whole new level.

A quick car drop off/the only girl out with four guys wardrobe change and we were on our way. A little drunk already, and high on the fun (ok ok just high) we went to Tiki T's for some down right amazing cocktails. I have never been there before, but my new boyfriends were familiar faces. Most drinks are very complex and have a bunch of ingredients. The atomosphere was party ready, people hootin' and hollarin which of course added to the already beaming energy the night was producing.

I am sure you can imagine that upon leaving Tiki T's we were pretty toasty... then, someone (obviously I have no recollection as to who) mentioned that Jumbos Clown Room, a local dive bar/weirdo strip club was right down the street. Boom. Done.

We get there, and it was pretty awesome. I cashed in for some singles and I found myself sitting right up at the floor making it rain. A few shots later, a few after that... my boyfriends bought me a lapdance. I sat there, proud, smiling, hands behind my head and sitting like a dude. It was a proud moment. I complimented my stripper a few times during the dance, pretty legendary. We stumbled out a few later and as much as I would like to go into details I really cant remember, I know there was Tommy's Burger involved... and a hangover the next day.

Anyway, the moral of this story is don't be a stripper, enjoy every moment you have to the fullest, and make it rain...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Speech

My sisters wedding was this weekend, and it was perfect.

Beautiful, inspiring, fun.... my sister was glowing and the whole thing was a blast.

Here is a copy of my speech, which came from the heart. Obviously there was a little improv throughout but this was the gist of it.

All you need is Love... and I believe that.

My Speech:

For those of you who have known Jenn from the good old days, my place at parties used to be locked in Lorie's room with the dog.. so this is definitely a huge thing for me.
I want to first say how happy it makes me to have everyone here today, in celebration of love.
Jenn has never admitted that she’s a believer in true love stories; she probably won't even admit it today.
I knew when she got me to New York, we were starting an amazing journey together. I could tell a thousand great stories from our fabulous life in the big city, but the most important thing about all of them is we were there with eachother and for eachother.
In the non stop years of parties,red carpets, and late late nights...Jenn found herself and opened herself up to the possibility of love… and I only take a LITTLE credit for that.

We moved to a slummy building in a bad neighborhood, this was our fork in the road.

A girl living with her kid sister..
and a boy, living in a studio with another man.

Adam would chainsmoke out on that dirty ole stoop just to get a chance to talk to Jenn in on her way home from work, I immediately knew things were changing. His charm, humor and creativity diminished her barriers, and she was in love.
It was obvious that she had found what another part of her had been looking for.

I was the only person to bear witness to their connection, their constant desire to spend time together and build something meaningful... I'm lucky for that.

Along the way life will continue to bring change, whether good or bad you need to realize that the one person made to keep you strong is sitting right beside you... and with that you will see that all of the crap that comes your way just doesn't matter. Love matters. Exercising it, building it, keeping it strong.
I hope from now on, you both tell your love story, and believe in it… because it keeps people like me knowing it is possible.

Here's to your happiness, and to love... because that's what all of this is about.


Friday, April 16, 2010

Big Time Birthday

My 21st - Started at the bar at the W in NYC. Drinks with sister, cousin and a another friend. Drunken cab to Hiro nightclub, dancing, drinking... lapdance? No man in my life, home alone in bed that night.

22nd -Get Fuckin Fancy. A dress up party, hosted by my boys Brady and Bernie at Stereo, the big time club in NYC that week :) Pre party of cocktails and laughs leading up to magnums, cakes, and tons of people. Good times. Bailed with the B's after 4 and slumber partied. Once again, no mans.

23rd - The Matches play for mine and Shoshana's birthday, at the Cutting Room. Heavy drinking, torches, badass people followed by late night NYC bar hopping, followed by me bailing out early (before 4AM) and heading home, alone..

24th - Singing naked baby telegram. Solemite. Then planned a big drink thing downtown NYC. Me, Shosh and a few other friends. Nothing exciting. Drunk dinner followed by a long uptown cab to Elaines, where we polished off some bottles and the night with Steve, Susan, Amby, Mason Reese and Chip. I went home with Shosh that night, but only because we lived together, and I love her.

25th - Few friends in the city of Angels. Just had moved back to the West coast. All I wanted to do was dance. Went to a club with my sister and our friends to shake my tail feather, left after three drinks alone in a cab... sister stayed and partied till 2.

26th....Big Time - Although my past few birthday nights have still been completely wonderful, this year I want to make it just down right awesome. Dinner and drinks at Shangri-La , afterparty at a Hills Mansion, my closest friends that are able to make it, laughter, love, joyful moments, and sex toys. Ahhhh, this is going to be fun. A short, classy dress and big heels are being called to order. I am really looking forward to sharing this with the people that have been so close to me lately, I feel that we are all strenthening ourselves and our bond and to share such a great moment of celebration with those closest to me makes me feel great, and thats all this is about!

stay tuned for The Birthday...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Home Improvements

I've been in my new spot for about 3 weeks, and loving every minute of it.

My first order of business was to pretty up the shared yard. I figured if I created a lovely, comfortable space my neighbors would utilize it, and it could open the door to new friends. Boom, done.

I had a great BBQ on Easter and in the process met my new neighbors from #107 -Christiana and Derek. A couple weeks ago I had been whining about desperately needing a hair cut, and how my whole life I would always have a friend or connect to do hair but since LA, I have been without (hence my split ends.) And what do you know, Chris is an amazing stylist and working from her studio... just across the hall from me! My hair was in her hands last night and might I say, fine work. I would love to refer her to anyone that reads this and is need of a talented hair stylist.

The "man" in my life, a dear friend, has been helping me suspend things from the ceiling, pimping out my decor with track lighting, and offering his valued opinion on functional yet unique improvements he can do for me.

I have noticed since I moved I am spending more time then ever on creative projects. I think it is important for everyone to take some time for themselves, to create an environment that is inspiring and motivating. Its hard to be angry when you are responsible for all of the things around you, and even moreso, beautiful things that came from inside of you.

I have been in the process of painting my cabinet doors, as paintings, pieces on their own. I want my space to be lovely, comfortable, and my place for solace. As you can see from the photos, its on its way!

Because of the wonderful people in my life helping with the special touches, and my non stop energy being put into making it wonderful... my little Hollywood studio is becoming a home.
Until next time..

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Connected

The Universe definitely has a sense of humor when it comes to connections... people you meet along your journey that keep popping up, or other signs that put those people to the forefront of your mind. Energy has everything to do it, you send it out thinking about people or situations and if you are aware, awake... you see what comes your way, sometimes its unavoidable!

Here are a couple examples of personal connections, reconnections, encounters, willing energy...

Background: When I was 17 I saw a band play at The Bottom of The Hill in SF, the band was 30 Seconds to Mars. The Leto brothers and I chatted a bit, nothing special.
A few years later I was working for Elite Model Management, staying at The Maritime Hotel in NY with a bunch of new models ready for fashion week. My first evening there I was walking down little west 12th when BOOM, Jared Leto walked past me. We both stopped, turned and hugged. He met all my girls to give them their first celeb encounter, and we hung out a few times throughout the next couple weeks. Then Gone.
I have a tattoo, A Beautiful Lie - this has nothing to do with the title of their album, however interesting in hindsight. The meaning of this branding is deep rooted, and hits home for so many aspects of my life... but that story will come in time. Back to connections.
I moved to LA, and started running the Waffle in Hollywood, a choice spot :) After being here about 6 months I came down the stairs one morning, coffee in hand and BOOM, Shannon Leto. We looked at eachother, and did the "woah" and caught up. Who knows why I keep running into these boys, but its important to pay attention to.

Background: I once dated a singer from a band, a beautiful man with eyes that would stop any girl in her tracks. Throughout the last nine years we have stayed friends, through emails and kissing sessions when he toured through. It has been over a year since I saw him, or spoke to him. Until Monday, when we reconnected with a "hey how ya doing..?"
Yesterday I was looking for shoes for my sisters wedding, I walk into the store and am greeted by the salesgirl. I turn and say hello and what do you know... its his sister. Last time she and I saw eachother we both lived NY and neither of us knew where one another ended up. We are having drinks in the near future.

Background: Helen and I met when I hired her as a waitress at the Cutting Room 4 years ago. We spent countless hours together in the most magical and inspiring environment. Although always friendly, Kate and I spent little time outside of work together. As The CR was closing, we were unified on a deeper level. On the last night, I looked at Helen and told her "our paths will cross again." I moved to LA, and over the course of the year I would always check in on my family I had left... all of them, but always keeping a close eye on Kate.
One day in November I got an email from her, letting me know she was coming to LA to follow her dreams. I immediately became her biggest supporter, as I knew this was our reconnection. Kate is on her way in LA, she is beautiful and strong, we spend as much free time (and work time, as she is working for me again) together as possible. She has quickly moved right next to me spiritually, and become one of my very closest most adored friends. The other day I was having drinks with my other closest friend, my sister Jenn. We laughed and talked and caught up. As we were walking back to my new casa there sipping cocktails was Kate, randomly with a big happy smile. We both exclaimed "Hey, my best friend!"

Background: Kyle and I grew up together, smoked weed for the first time together, drank for the first time together...etc. We were kids in the same group, hanging out all of the time, getting into trouble. When we were 16 Kyle got in a lot of trouble, big fish small town mentality :)
Over time our paths took us on completely different courses. We didnt speak.
About a month ago Kyle and I reconnected on Facebook, and it quickly became clear that our paths were merging again. We both had such opposite paths but along the way we learned the same thing, the importance of love and universal consciousness. Since then we have hung out, tons... I love Kyle, and I know he and I will never lose eachother again.

I am so sure that this is all meant to happen, that the people I am going to need by my side are gravitating towards me and vice versa.

When the time comes, you find me.

Friday, April 2, 2010

My Friend David

About 3 months ago a woman came into my restaurant with a cute, gay homeless man named David and asked if she could buy him breakfast. She had to run, but paid for his meal before leaving. David smiled at me, missing is 4 front bottom teeth, and asked "can I sit down or should I wait and take it to go?" I said, "of course, sit please."
He was immediately excited and replied "well most places even if I pay make me take it to go."

He went on to talk about life, and happiness... and how other then having consistent food he was happier then most people. He has air in his lungs, he meets new wonderful people everyday and he loves. . . everything. I believed him, that he probably never wakes up angry or frustrated - that he is never hateful or mean to others.

We got to chatting, by the end of his meal I knew David was put into my life for a reason.
"Thank you Jacque, thank you for making me feel like a human again." I said, "well David, you are a human hunny... and you shouldnt feel like anything but."

This got me thinking about how easy it is to impact other peoples lives, to give them something that is not physical matter, just by being open. We are all the same, made of the same things - and maybe if that stays in the forefront of our minds, we can change everything.

David has weekly visits, where he eats and socializes .. making friends at my restaurant and on the street. He always has the biggest, toothless smile and quirky jokes. David wrote a book that he says is going to be published... and when it is he wants to buy me a house :)

I believe in love, the meaning of it has a lot to do with selfless acts, expecting nothing in return and understanding the word unconditional. It takes nothing out of you to be kind hearted, and our friendship foundation was built on that.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

"The Time is Near"

Do you think about dreams? Where they come from, where you are actually going when you close your eyes?

I believe that being a part of the Universe, we are often guided by it. Signs and opportunities are given to you every day. It is up to you to see them, they are more obvious the more open and in tune with your spirit you are, even moreso, once you are able to live your days with love in your heart. Ahh... love. Love for everything, for everyone. We will get deep into that in the future.

Now, about my dream..

I was standing on open land, the sky dark but filled with beautiful stars, and perfect smears of blue. There were dark mountains covering the horizon. I was not alone, not even close. There were many ... spirits?.... behind me, I felt a presence that was strong, unified, together. The moon, all of the sudden was in front of me, almost coming out of the land I was standing on. Bright and magnificent. I looked up into the sky where the moon should have been, and there was a face. A woman, she looked like me and the moon. Glowing, bright vivid colors; orange, pink, yellow, black long hair. Immediately there was something blocking my view, I moved around it, still standing in front of the moon, looking up at the sky. She turned and looked at me, shooting beams of beautiful light and brightening the sky. "The time is near."

I woke up.

This dream is very powerful to me, I don't think it has anything to do with the end of the World by the "Armaggedon" philosophy. I do believe however, that our Earth is angry. We were put here as one, given all of the tools, the brain power, the strength and the land to create and love. We took it here. Where we are, present day.

Everything in the Universe has a counter reaction, and us being a part of it often influence those reactions. No wonder.

Its time we started making a difference. If minds can be opened, and we can embrace the beauty of every day life I know we can change where we are headed. Love truly can conquer all, but you need to understand and live the true meaning of love before it will start giving you blessings.

I met up with someone I had only met briefly a few days before, an artist and sculptor. He is a man of the World, of peace and joy. I told him my dream and his response was "put it on canvas." So I did. I felt everything with each brush stroke. I feel the moment in that space, and hear that voice of the sky everytime I look at it.

Here is a little piece of it, the full masterpiece will be unveiled when its time.

I hope you all read this with a complete open mind. Read the words and think about it, try living without ever coming from a place of fear, hate, insecurity. There is no reason to. You're awesome. Own it. The signs for your true purpose will come.

I love you.

The Leave Behind

I know you know what I am talking about. I just moved into my new place a few weeks ago and am being constantly stared at by my ex's old pants and his favorite oversized Sunday cashmere sweater. This got me thinking about the old days.

The leave behind. We have all done it, leaving something with a lover, something you will definitely try to get back in hopes of having another "go."
Man, its pretty sad at a certain point, and gets expensive if you don't be careful.

It was a couple of years ago, New York where we lay our scene. It was a warm fall night; live music, happy people and cocktails filled my world. All of the sudden, a very tall, very handsome gentleman walked in and asked if he could sing, it was Open Jam Night.
You should know, this man is very famous and very beautiful... we will call him "Charles."
He sang a few songs, Sinatra mostly. His voice was powerful and sexy. We exchanged eyes, and throughout the evening, words. Eventually, it was closing time. He said, "The Ritz?"


After more drinks and chatting I knew this was going to be what it was, a one night stand with an amazing guy, who happened to be on his way to stars and fame. (No judgement allowed friends, atleast i'm putting it out there.)

I left in the wee hours of the morning, sneaking out quietly but leaving my number.

The worst...
about an hour later I get a text from "Charles" saying I left my suede blazer in his hotel, of course. At this point, I had already learned my "leave behind" art was probably not a good idea anymore, and the option of trying to be totally cool with this dude just left the table. Ugh. Even better, he says he is switching hotels.
I ended up having to spend about another 40 bucks in cab fare to venture far out of my way to get my coat back and have the embarrassing moment of seeing him again, later that day, just for the return of my clothing. Humiliation teaches lessons.

Charles and I shoot texts from time to time these days, so it was not a complete disaster but definitely a lesson was learned. Don't have one night stands with celebrities, and if you do make sure you get all of your stuff before you leave.

PS. Cashmere Sweater for free. Big, warm, smells a little.

The Introduction.

I want to welcome anyone who and everyone who stumbles upon this blog! I have had and continue to have an amazing life, full of love and good fortune, and legendary moments. I plan on sharing everything from the life of a single badass chic in Hollywood, music, dreams, art, sex, boys, girls, jokes, bad jokes, people,crazy stories, and everything in between. Be warned, alot of this blog is going to be "real"... on the level.... about life and the meaning to me, the way I live and how living in a constant state of pure happiness is possible.. I will preach a little, but I believe part of my purpose is to create awareness.

So here goes: Blog #1 - The Introduction.

I am going to bring you up to speed as to where I am in life. Don't worry, there will be tasty stories from the past im sure... but not today.

I moved to NYC in 2004 with nothing but clothes and an interview. Nailed it. Receptionist for Elite Model Management. Two weeks later, promoted - N.American Scout and jr. Booker.
All of the sudden it was bright lights, big city. Parties, Nightclubs, Red Carpets, Travel. Amazing. After over a year of that my path veered and took me to Mr. Big. We met one night at Butter, I met his partner, I started working for them. GM of The Cutting Room - a magical music venue and club in NYC. Sting, Sheryl Crow, Joan Rivers, Lady Gaga, Paolo Nutini, James Blunt, John Legend, Donovan, The Searchers, Jimmy Webb, Carly Simon... only to name a few. I spent 15 hours a day in this dark, thinking man's bar...connecting, networking, learning, growing and always being on top of the game, as I am very hungry.
Oct. 3rd 2008 - car accident. Spirit was broken, went into hiding to heal. I will admit in this time I did some things I shouldn't, as I was lost and alone and living with fear in my heart. But when I came back into this vessel I was 10x stronger.
The Cutting Room closed, I moved to LA.
Sat around for a few months and thought about this all, what the feeling was that guides me part of the time..that feels so good. How I can harness it to make my next move, as I was just letting the time take its course.
Got a great job and place with great owners- GM the Waffle. It was a struggle to say the least but have been letting love be my guiding force in the success of this place, and it worked!
Two weeks ago I moved to Hollywood, in a great space all to myself. I have started being creative again with my hands - painting, drawing, building.

So here I am. In LA, many good people in my life and now you (yes you)... I am really looking forward to sharing it all. The truth!