Monday, January 13, 2014

Go Love Yourself

Were going to start with the most important element to life, happiness and longevity –LOVE.
Love has turned into an emotional gift you give others, something you may often find yourself questioning because it doesn’t feel like what we have heard “love” to be. There are expectations attached to the word Love, but the moment we realize self love is the key to dropping any unwanted life stress – true love becomes an integral part of your everyday life.
We can’t truly love anyone or anything else, until we are fully committed to loving ourselves. You are the most important being in your life, you have the ability to create the reality you desire and enjoy the beautiful moments we are here to experience. It is up to you to choose your bad days, or label them as such just the same as it is your choice to not let things affect your happiness.  Knowing in those hard moments that everything is ultimately OK and that this too shall pass, is what loving and trusting yourself means.

You are a perfect, beautiful and special being and the justification for those words comes from your existence on this planet. Believe it or not, we were not created to grow up, do bad things, make bad decisions, have pain, get a boring job, have kids, an unhappy marriage and retire. We are here to have the human experience; we were all given the most intelligent immune system, minds, bodies and souls to thrive in all capacities. Our natural state of being is to be connected to the earth, and everything and everyone on it. The golden rules apply to become the best version of ourselves and flourish as individuals.
Allow yourself to appreciate every aspect of YOU – get in touch with the inner child, and your heart chakra. Know that you are always protected and always supported in any dreams and goals one has. Start appreciating yourself.  Being in tune with your heart will allow for the most amazing journeys as you allow yourself to drop negative thinking patterns. Start taking responsibility for everything that happens inward and outwards and you will eliminate fears and judgment of yourself and others.
Try loving yourself a little more today. Give yourself some credit in the moments you feel lacking, do the things that excite you and be aware of your excitement ~ smile in the mirror and laugh with your dearest friends. When a circumstance arises that you don’t prefer, say what you would prefer from that moment, learn from yourself and choose a lighter approach to your already perfect state of being.
You are the keys to your kingdom and love is all there is.

original article by Jacq Crawford -

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